Our Staff


Executive Director -Judith Kaulem Judith Kaulem is a seasoned development and social policy analyst who has more than fifteen years of experience.  In her capacity as Executive Director for the Poverty Reduction Forum Trust, Judith has worked extensively in the area of poverty, gender and human development research. Between 2004 and 2006 Judith was responsible for the coordination of the research towards the production of the Zimbabwe Human Development Report on Gender and HIV/AIDS. Judith Holds a Master of Education Degree in Adult Education from the University of Zimbabwe and several professional qualifications relevant for her present role and beyond. She possess key competencies in areas of Organizational strategy development and management, Social and economic Research Analysis, Project design and management, Leadership skills, Capacity building in policy advocacy, Institutional capacity assessment and development, Facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogues and negotiating partnerships, Design and implementation of training programmes, Gender analysis and mainstreaming and Participatory methodologies for community development ( PRAs).

Programmes Manager – Artwell Gonese

Artwell M. Gonese is an accomplished development economist with a passion for empowering communities, reducing poverty and inclusive development. With over 15 years’ experience, Artwell has developed considerable expertise in policy research and analysis, advocacy; capacity building; project management; private sector development and governance. He has worked with diverse stakeholders including the Government, Parliament, other local CSOs and international development agencies, building partnerships, and delivering high-quality results in challenging environments.

Currently he is the Programmes Manager for the Poverty Reduction Forum Trust since 2020. He is responsible for leading and managing the team to develop and implement projects aimed at reducing poverty and achieving Sustainable Development Goals through research, advocacy and public dialogue.

Previously, Artwell has worked with the Parliament of Zimbabwe and other Parliaments in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) from 2010 first in a full time role up to 2014 for a local Civil Society Organisation (CSO) and later on as an independent consultant to date. Artwell has also worked previously worked for SADC as a Trade Fellow under a United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in 2011 to 2012. He was also an Economist in the Ministry of Regional Integration and International Cooperation from 2009 to 2010. Other roles include being a Business Development Analyst from 2003 to 2005 and Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Zimbabwe among other roles.

He has a MSc in Agricultural and Applied Economics (2007), BSc Honours in Economics (2003), Certificate in Project Monitoring and Evaluation (2015) all from the University of Zimbabwe and several  work related short term training courses.

Finance and Administration Officer – Christopher Bvekwa

Christopher Bvekwa is the Finance & Administration Officer and possesses several years of experience within both the private and non- governmental organizations for more than 10 years. He holds an advanced accounting  and business management diploma awarded by City & Guilds of London  , British College of Professional Management (UK) and various international financial management certifications and other qualifications. He is currently undertaking studies in Project Management with the University of Cape Town.

MEAL Officer – Dorcas Chishumba

Dorcus Chishumba is the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning officer with the Poverty Reduction Forum Trust and has 4 years working in the Civil Society sector after graduating from the Great Zimbabwe University with a Bachelors’ degree in Peace, Conflict and Governance and Certificate in Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation from the Catholic University. She has also been under several trainings including the Leadership in Residence Training which she attended at the MSTCDC in Arusha, The Insider Mediation Training by the European Union, The UNDP Peace fellowship as well as the Youth Advocacy Guide Training by UNICEF in Nairobi. Dorcus worked with regional and international organisations before joining the PRFT In 2023. She currently sits in the African Youth Advocacy Team (AYAT) and is also the regional Coordinator for the United Network for Young PeaceBuilders


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